How much do you really know about Croatia? Check our fun fact list about Croatia and find out.
- Croatia has 1246 islands.
- The population of Croatia is estimated at 4.17 million in 2018.
- The official flower of Croatia is the iris.
- The majority of Croatians are Catholic.
- The capital of Croatia is the city of Zagreb.
- Croatian currency is known as the kuna, which is the Croatian word for marten.
- Croatia is ranked 123rd in the world when it comes to the size of the country.
- The largest island in Croatia is Krk.
- The highest Croatian peak Dinara is at 1,831 meters above sea level.
- Horvat is the most common surname in Croatia.
- Almost 10% of the Croatian territory is under UNESCO protection within 11 nature parks, 8 national parks, and two nature reserves.
- Luka’s Pit (Lukina Jama), the 14th depth in the world (1431 m), is located on Velebit Mountain.
- The Pag cheese (Paški sir) is a famous cheese from the island of Pag that is made from sheep milk, giving it a distinctive flavor.
- The world’s smallest town is Hum.
- The oldest Croatian text was written in 1100, and it is called the Baška tablet. (Baščanska ploča)
- Picigin is on the list of the intangible heritage under UNESCO protection. It is a traditional amateur sport, played in shallow water, and the goal is to prevent the ball from tapping the water.
- The last remaining Griffon Vulture is located on the Croatian island of Cres.
- Faust Vrančić was the first man to build and test a parachute.
- Croatian town -Vinkovci – is the oldest European city in which people live continuously for more than 8,300 years.
- Croatia is the country from which the famous Dalmatian breed comes, and the name is given by a region called Dalmatia.
- Nikola Tesla – father of the alternating-current electrical system that’s widely used today – was born in Croatia.
- The world’s first torpedo was constructed – Ivan Lupis Vukić.
- The Mag Light was invented by a Croatian – Anthony “Tony” Maglica.
- Croatian Slavoljub Penkala invented a mechanical pencil. Today we call it “pen.”
- Croatians invented a necktie, so because of them, you look good in the suite.
- The HIT series Game of Thrones was filmed on the Dalmatian coast in Split & Dubrovnik.
- The richest collection in the world of remains of Neanderthals was discovered in Krapina.
- The remains of a German WWII ship can be seen in just a few meters of clear water in Zavratnica bay.
- There is a Museum of Broken Relationships in Croatia, where heartbroken people donate the remainders of their loved ones in the museum.
- 2Cellos are Croatian-Slovenian cellist duo that plays instrumental arrangements of well-known pop, rock, and classical songs.